I’m Here!!!!!!

After 30+ hours of traveling, I am finally at my final destination: The Philippines! It’s only been one week since I left home, but within that time so much has occurred. During the week between my leaving home and my arriving in the Philippines, I have learned so much at what is lovingly called “Dis-Orientation.” The first two days of disorientation were all about racism and white supremacy. It got uncomfortable, confusing, frustrating, depressing, and so much more. My biggest frustration was that I sat in a room for 18+ hours talking about a problem that I had no idea how to fix. There is no simple equation to solving the world’s problem of white supremacy; it is so complex and involves so many parts – one person can’t solve it. I may write another blog post about that talk because I wont do it justice if I leave it at that.

Another major part of my week was coming to terms with the fact that mission work does not have a pretty history. It is the cause of so much hurt to many different places. And even if mission work means something different to me, I will always be associated with its rough history because “mission” has touched many places. I am on a mission to learn from those around me, however I have to accept the fact that some people wont see it that way.

On a brighter note, I met some amazing people this past week. The diversity among the YAVs was inspiring and amazing. I’m hoping we can all keep in touch and share our experiences throughout the next year. After hanging out with my fellow Philippines YAVs, I have some optimistic hopes for the future. Although, I normally don’t get homesick, I probably will at some point because this experience is new, different, and far away. But I know that God’s got me covered! I will rely on Him more than I ever have before. He is my strength and through Him, I can do anything.

4 thoughts on “I’m Here!!!!!!

  1. Larceeda Jefferson

    May God bless you my sweet granddaughter. You are so brave!! It is my prayer that you receive the desires of your heart and so much more. This adventure is new and exciting so embrace it and enjoy it. God does have you covered. I love you and I miss you already. You’ve always made me proud to be your gramy!!


  2. Virginia

    Did not know if your mission. May God continue not only to protect you but allow you the capacity to work and develop solutions for at least some of the problems. Prayers of comfort and strength for you.


  3. Ruby Waller

    Hello niece, praying with you and for you. I know that you won’t forget that God has you covered night and day, woke or sleep, at work and at rest. Enjoy, learn and grow!!🙏


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